UNM Experts

The University of New Mexico provides its Election Experts website to help keep the media and public informed about issues relevant to upcoming elections. The 2024 election cycle is unique with a variety of issues and concerns on voters’ minds including inflation and the economy, immigration, misinformation, climate change, congressional spending and more. Check back later this summer for relevant expertise from university faculty about how these issues could impact voters.

Members of the media interested in interviewing UNM’s election experts can contact University Communications Director Steve Carr, scarr@unm.edu or University Communication Representative Carly Bowling, cbowling1@unm.edu.

Jessica FeezellAssociate Professor of Political Science
Department of Political Science
Sonia Gipson Rankin Professor
School of Law
Michael RoccaAssociate Professor Political Science
Campaign Spending
Gabriel SanchezDirector, Graduate Program
UNM Center for Social Policy
Immigration, Climate
Dr. Kristina SowarAssociate Professor Psychiatry
Election Stress
David WeissAssociate Professor
Communication and Journalism
Reilly WhiteAssociate Professor
Finance – Anderson School of Management